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Clinical test results reports


San Roque Hospitals offers, through this page, its on-line download service of the results reports of its analytics. This service uses an SSL encryption system, so your data travels safely over the network, complying with all the requirements set forth in current regulations on data protection and in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR).


To access the download of your results, you must complete the following values in the download form:

Your NIF, NIE or passport, without the leading zeros and without hyphens or spaces that separate the letters (eg 13579D).
Analysis number
The test number indicated on your collection receipt.
For results of children who do not have NIF, NIE or passport, the identification must be the NIF, NIE or passport of the legal guardian provided at the time of extraction, followed by a dash and the number corresponding to the position that the son occupies with respect to the siblings.
For example: 1543279A-2 (Mother's NIF followed by a dash, and a two indicating that it's the second child).
For results of children who do not have NIF, NIE or passport, the identification must be the NIF, NIE or passport of the legal guardian provided at the time of extraction, followed by a dash and the number corresponding to the position that the son occupies with respect to the siblings.
For example: 1543279A-2 (Mother's NIF followed by a dash, and a two indicating that it's the second child).

You should know that...

The food sensitivity results must be collected personally at the center, are not available via the web.
All downloads are logged.

Results reports are offered in PDF format, and a PDF viewer will be necessary to be able to open and consult them. If you don't have one, you can download it for free from the Adobe website.